Using a CCLI License

Copyright violations are perhaps the most overlooked legal issues in the Lord’s Church.  Christians must obey and follow the laws of our country (Rom. 13).  Because of this obligation, we must make ever effort to make sure that we do not use copyrighted materials without the proper permission or license. If you or your congregation uses copyrighted songs publicly (i.e. in a copied songbook, PowerPoint slides, etc.) without permission (or proper licensing) then you have violated Federal (and possibly State) copyright laws.  Such should not be tolerated by faithful Christians who seek to follow God and those laws which he allows to exists to govern our lives on earth.

One of the most common ways to get a license to use copyrighted songs is through the Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI). Many congregations (especially youth and college ministries) purchase a CCLI License so they can make copies and publicly use copyrighted songs during worship and devotionals.  But, what many congregations and ministers do not realize is that having a CCLI License may not cover all legal liability from copyright law violations.  Even though a Christian makes a good-faith effort to follow copyright laws, it is very possible that they are illegally using some copyrighted materials even when they place a CCLI number on their copies. So, in order to obey the law, Christians must know how a CCLI license is used and what must be done in order to comply with both the law and the license.

Description of CCLI License

A CCLI license allows the copying, printing and use of copyrighted songs in worship assemblies, devotionals, youth gatherings, etc.  There are various pricing plans that are available and vary depending on group or congregation size, type of event, and type of use. This license alleviates a lot of the time and effort that would be required of congregations that are trying to comply with the law.

Things to Remember About CCLI License

There are several important things to remember if you use or are considering using a CCLI License:

Limited Coverage

A CCLI license does NOT cover every song.  A license will only grant legal usage for the songs that are included in their catalog.  CCLI specifically states, “For the purpose of assisting the congregation, the Church Copyright License® will cover the duplication of any song if one of the song’s copyright owners are contracted with CCLI.”  CCLI includes a tool to search and find the songs and/or copyright owners of songs you wish to use.

If a song is not covered by your CCLI license, you will need to obtain permission or a license from the author or copyright owner before using it.  Without such permission, any use would be both illegal and sinful.
>>What Songs Are Covered? (CCLI Website)

Reporting Requirement

CCLI requires that each congregation or license holder report what songs are reproduced with the CCLI license.  When you sign up for a specific license, you will be given the guidelines and requirements for reporting.  If you fail to properly report the songs that you have used, you have violated your license.  Any violation of the license puts you or your congregation at risk for legal action should any copyright be violated but not properly reported.  Reporting the use of songs is essential because that is how copyright holders are paid for the use of their songs.

Single-User Licenses

Because it is required for the license holder to report the songs used, other congregations or persons cannot share a license.  This happens way too often as ministers share new songs, etc. and leave a CCLI number on the song.  There are also some apps that include copyrighted songs with CCLI numbers on them.  All of these actions violate the license agreement and are illegal.

Notice of CCLI on Songs

A congregation must include the song title, writer credit(s), and copyright notice when they reproduce a copyrighted song.  CCLI requests that it be in substantially the following form:

“Hallelujah,” words and music by John Doe
© 2000 Good Music Co.
Used By Permission. CCLI License #______________

Annual Renewal

You must renew your license every year.  This can be done automatically through the CCLI website through your account settings.  Contact CCLI for more details or arrangements to pay this renewal.


Christians must obey the laws of our country (Rom. 13:1-14; 1 Pt. 2:13-17).  There are no exceptions when it comes to copyright laws.  We cannot just copy and use the intellectual property of other people without paying for it or getting their permissions.  To do anything less than that would be stealing.  CCLI is an easier way to comply with the law and be able to use songs we hear to glorify and praise God.  However, when we use the CCLI services, we must make sure that we follow all the requirements so we legally use songs in these public settings.

>>For more information about CCLI, visit their website at

John Kachelman III
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