Is My Congregation Safe?

Recent events have many question whether they need to do more for their congregations with respect to safety, especially for our children.

Here are seven recommendations to help protect the youngest among us:

  1. Conduct a walk thru of church property and create a punch list of action items.
  2. Remove hazards or post warning signs.
  3. Develop a “Safe Church Policy” based on insurance carrier recommendations, good legal advice and best practices such as:
    • Background checks for all youth workers
    • 6 month waiting period for all youth workers
    • Two adult rule for all youth activities
    • Establish emergency procedures for reporting problems or suspicious activity
    • Use liability waivers and releases
    • Establish clear guidelines concerning concealed weapons on church property
  4. Educate your staff and volunteers.
  5. Regularly discuss safety and concerns.
  6. Help your youth group develop a sense of caution and prudence.
  7. Investigate complaints or concerns promptly and thoroughly.
Matt Vega
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